I grew up very Catholic. Eight years of Jesuits (high school and college) and a lot of lived experience drew me away from my dogmatic beliefs, but the lingering aversion to "mysticism" or "Eastern approaches to spirituality" had me wary of meditation, Reiki, Chakra work, all that jazz.

But as I've let go of beliefs that no longer work for me (if they ever did) and delved into my own mindfulness practices and felt the benefits first-hand, the idea of an energy healing seemed more and more acceptable, but still strange and foreign.

So if I — the ex-Catholic atheist / physics geek / actor — am saying this, I hope that other cynical, often comfortingly Nihilistic humans like myself feel me when I say: WORTH IT.

I know Valeria's energy healing needed an open door to get in, and it's hard for my Aries stubbornness to leave ANY doors open for ANY length of time, but I feel like letting this opportunity in was a serious turning point for me in a much bigger way than much else has ever been.

Ten out of ten, would recommend. I think it's going to take some time before I even fully recognize how much this affected me, and I'm STOKED to see where else this unblocking leads.

Andrew Joseph Perez


Hola Valeria como estas?. Bueno ayer iba a responder tu historia y no se pudo no entiendo que pasó en ese caso. Desde el momento de la terapia han pasado cosas tan positivas que lo he tomado como una bendición, una experiencia única y maravillosa, debo aceptar mi escepticismo era claro pero más allá de ese sentir había una persona maravillosa y encantadora, eres privilegiada por ese don maravilloso. Mi aprecio, cariño, respeto y admiración total. Un abrazo super gigante.

Mauricio Ulchur


I grew up very Catholic. Eight years of Jesuits (high school and college) and a lot of lived experience drew me away from my dogmatic beliefs, but the lingering aversion to “mysticism” or “Eastern approaches to spirituality” had me wary of meditation, Reiki, Chakra work, all that jazz.

But as I’ve let go of beliefs that no longer work for me (if they ever did) and delved into my own mindfulness practices and felt the benefits first-hand, the idea of an energy healing seemed more and more acceptable, but still strange and foreign.

So if I — the ex-Catholic atheist / physics geek / actor — am saying this, I hope that other cynical, often comfortingly Nihilistic humans like myself feel me when I say: WORTH IT.

I know Valeria’s energy healing needed an open door to get in, and it’s hard for my Aries stubbornness to leave ANY doors open for ANY length of time, but I feel like letting this opportunity in was a serious turning point for me in a much bigger way than much else has ever been.

Ten out of ten, would recommend. I think it’s going to take some time before I even fully recognize how much this affected me, and I’m STOKED to see where else this unblocking leads. – Andrew Joseph Perez

Hola Valeria como estas?. Bueno ayer iba a responder tu historia y no se pudo no entiendo que pasó en ese caso. Desde el momento de la terapia han pasado cosas tan positivas que lo he tomado como una bendición, una experiencia única y maravillosa, debo aceptar mi escepticismo era claro pero más allá de ese sentir había una persona maravillosa y encantadora, eres privilegiada por ese don maravilloso. Mi aprecio, cariño, respeto y admiración total. Un abrazo super gigante.

Mauricio Ulchur